日光節約時間(Daylight Saving Time)從星期日結束, 請大家在星期六睡前記得確認一下, 把時間往回調一小時(例:2 am 調到 1 am), 星期日才能準時上教會:)
The Daylight Saving will end on this coming Sunday. Please make sure you adjust the time one hour backward before you go to bed on Saturday, so we can attend the church on time on Sunday:)
1. 請為下週主日講員林彬牧師禱告。Please prayer for the preacher of next Sunday- Rev. Ted Lam.
2. 請為樊國良弟兄一家禱告, 求神賜力量及平安。特別為寶寶小佳佳能早日從OKC醫院回到家中禱告, 求神看顧。Please pray for Bro. Guoliang’s family. May God give strength and peace to them. Also please pray for Baby Elisha to come back home from hospital in OKC soon.
3. 請為Jim McGee 弟兄禱告, 求神看顧手術後的康復。Please pray for Bro. Jim McGee for his recovery from his operation.
4. 請為趙牧師禱告, 求神保守康復情形, 引領他在福音工廠上的事工。Please pray for Pastor Chao. May God keep his recovery from operation and guide his mission.
5. 請為身體復原的肢體禱告: 楊筱蓉阿姨(感冒咳嗽), 湯清蓮阿姨(感冒)。Please pray for those who have flu- Sis Louise, Sis TomChinLian.
6. 請為初信造就事工禱告, 也請為將受浸的肢體- 王立英姐妹, 金葉姐妹及路水怡姐妹禱告, 求主堅固他們的心。Please pray for new believers and for Sis LiYing Wang , Sis JinYe and Sis ShuiYi Lu who are going to be baptized.
7. 請為感恩節教會活動預備及籌畫禱告。Please pray for the program of Thanksgiving this year.
8. 請為新同工培訓工作禱告, 願神感動更多弟兄姐妹參予事奉, 一切在神的旨意中運行。Please pray for the training of new co-workers, may God’s will be done and have more brothers and sisters joining servings.
9. 請為懷孕的姐妹禱告, 求主保守看顧。Please pray for pregnant sisters.
10. 請為正在找工作的弟兄姐妹禱告, 求主供應他們的需要。也請為正在工作的弟兄姐妹禱告, 感謝主的恩典, 求主穩定工作。Please prayer for the brothers and sisters who are looking for jobs. Also, please pray for those who are working, may God stabilize their works.
11. 請為教會支持的宣教士禱告, 求主加添他們的力量, 在異地服事有主的愛和喜樂充滿。Please pray for the missionary who are supported by our church.
接下来说神的带领。也许你会问,什么是神的带领?怎么才能知道是神在带领呢?首先你还是要认识神,不然谁带你?如果你能体会到神对你说话,那岂不就知道神是不是在带领你了吗?怎么挺神说话呢?很简单,就是读圣经。我在信主以后养成了灵休的习惯,也就是很仔细地读一小段经文,并且思考里面内容。那天我去onsite面试,一大早去机场,没时间灵休。到了候机厅等飞机,才拿出圣经来,读了一小段,看的是腓力比书。看的时候有些收获,但后来忙着赶路到旅店,看的什么,也记不大清了。那次面试需要我做一个presentation。到旅店坐定后,我就准备面试的东西,可是准备了以后,还有时间剩余。我就顺便把那个周五团契诗歌的slides做了,顺便听听诗歌,一方面放松,一方面练习,熟悉诗歌。快睡觉的时候,心里有些发慌,觉得信心软弱,怕第二天发挥不好,被面试官问倒。于是我又向神祷告,求神安静我的心。得到的回应是,神让我默想一下早晨看到的经文。那段经文是:应当一无挂虑,只要凡事借着祷告,祈求和感谢,将你们所要的告诉神。神所赐出人意外的平安,必在基督耶稣里保守你们的心怀意念 (腓4:6)。什么是一无挂虑?英文是Do not be anxious about anything. 若是神所赐的,必有他的保守,你心里为什么焦虑呢?如果不是合神心意的,他也会另外开机会的门。我既然知道神对我的心意,就安心睡了。
We now have a blog for Children Sunday School. Many stories and photos of their activities are posted. Also, announcements may be posted to the blog, Daddys and Mommys can check it out regularly.
Thanks to brothers and sisters for your faithful service in Children Sunday School. May God bless you. We need helpers serving in Children Sunday School, if you would like to join, please contact Sis. Xinyan He.
We will have a farewell party for Bro. Jun Chen on this coming Friday fellowship. He will be giving his personal testimony and sharing hymns. As usual, you may go to UA laundry for pickup. Dinner starts at 6:30pm. The gathering place has changed to BCM instead of CBC. You are welcome to invite your friends to join the event. Also, please pray for this gathering, may God be glorified.
For more details about family fellowship, please contact Bro. Yuqing Wang or Bro. Guolong Zhang.
雅各書 James 5:16 所以你們要彼此認罪、互相代求、使你們可以得醫治。義人祈禱所發的力量、是大有功效的。
馬可福音 Mark 11:22-24 耶穌回答說:你們當信服神﹔我實在告訴你們,無論何人對這座山說:你挪開此地投在海里,他若心里不疑惑,只信他所說的必成,就必給他成了。所以我告訴你們,凡你們禱告祈求的,無論是什么,只要信是得著的,就必得著。
1.請為下週主日講員查修智弟兄禱告。Please prayer for the preacher of next Sunday- Bro. Puck Ja.
2.請為樊國良弟兄及林婭姐妹一家禱告, 求神賜力量及平安。國良弟兄最近重感冒, 請為此禱告。也求主看顧保守林婭姐妹產後的恢復及正在檢查的寶寶的健康情形。Please pray for Bro. Guoliang’s family. May God give strength and peace to them. Bro. Guoliang has serious flu these days, please pray for him. Also pray that God keeps Sis. Linya’s recovery from giving birth and also the healthy condition of the baby which is still under observation.
3.請為Jim McGee 弟兄禱告, 求神看顧手術後的康復。Please pray for Bro. Jim McGee for his recovery from his operation.
4.請為趙牧師禱告, 求神保守康復情形, 盡早順利回到福音工廠上。Please pray for Pastor Chao. May God keep his recovery from operation.
5.請為初信造就事工禱告, 也請為即將受浸的肢體- 王立英姐妹及金葉姐妹禱告, 求主堅固他們的心。Please pray for new believers and for Sis LiYing Wang and Sis JinYe who are going to be baptized soon.
6.請為本週五見證分享會禱告, 願神得著榮耀。Please pray for the testimony sharing party this coming Friday, may God be gloried.
7.請為新同工培訓工作禱告, 願神感動更多弟兄姐妹參予事奉, 一切在神的旨意中運行。Please pray for the training of new co-workers, may God’s will be done and have more brothers and sisters joining servings.
8.請為懷孕的姐妹禱告, 求主保守看顧。Please pray for pregnant sisters.
9.請為正在找工作的弟兄姐妹禱告, 求主供應他們的需要。也請為正在工作的弟兄姐妹禱告, 感謝主的恩典, 求主穩定工作。Please prayer for the brothers and sisters who are looking for jobs. Also, please pray for those who are working, may God stabilize their works.
10.請為教會支持的宣教士禱告, 求主加添他們的力量, 在異地服事有主的愛和喜樂充滿。Please pray for the missionary who are supported by our church.
Praise the Lord! Brother Guoliang Fan and Sister LinYa have gotten their baby girl at 8:06 am on Monday, Oct. 5th, the whole process went smoothly. The baby is named Jia- Lin Fan, English name is Elisha, nickname is Jia-Jia; weights 8 pounds 5 ounces. They thank to brothers and sisters love and prayers, please continue to prayer for them.
你說:「我不能原諒自己。」神說:「我寬恕你。」 You said: 「I can’t forgive myself.」God said: 「I forgive you. 」 (約壹1 John 1:9; 羅 Roman 8:1)
你說:「我應付不來。」神說:「我會供應你的所需。」 You said: 「I can’t handle it. 」God said: 「I will provide all your needs」 (腓 Philippians 4:9)
你說:「我很害怕。」神說:「我賜給你的,不是一個膽怯的心。」 You said: 「I am afraid. 」God said: 「I did not give you a spirit of timidity.」 (提後 2 Timothy 1:7)
你說:「我經常憂慮和沮喪。」神說:「將一切的憂慮卸給我。」 You said: 「I am often anxious and depressed. 」God said: 「Cast all your anxiety on me.」 (彼前1 Peter 5:7)
你說:「我的信心不夠。」神說:「我所分給各人的信心,是我量度過的。」 You said: 「I don’t have enough confidence. 」God said: 「The faith I have given you was in accordance with the measure.」 (羅Roman 12:3)
你說:「我不夠聰明。」神說:「我給你智慧。」 You said: 「I am not smart enough. 」God said: 「I give you wisdom.」 (林前 1 Cor. 1:30)
你說:「我覺得很孤單。」神說:「我總不撇下你,也不丟棄你。」 You said: 「I feel lonely. 」God said: 「Never will I leave you, never will I forsake you.」 (來Herb. 13:5)
Story of life • Cancer not the focus, Myrna McGee says
Laura Wilson - NewsPress
Myrna McGee, sitting with her husband, Jim, was diagnosed with breast cancer five years ago, about 25 years after she was diagnosed with first colon cancer and then liver cancer
When he learned that his wife had been diagnosed with breast cancer five years ago, Jim McGee said, “OK, Lord, here we go again.”
It was Myrna McGee’s third brush with cancer, and one doctors didn’t think she’d live long enough to have.
About 31 years ago, she was diagnosed with colon cancer. About a year after that, she was diagnosed with liver cancer, and doctors gave her only a year to live, she said.
She went through weekly chemotherapy treatments for three and a half years.
“Finally, I told the doctors, ‘I’m not taking any more,’” she said. “They gave me all the statistics that told me I should already be dead. I prayed about it, and that weekend all the symptoms of cancer that I’d ever had came back on me.
“The next day, the Lord gave me the back of an envelope full of promises that it was OK to come off of it.”
Thirty years later, she’s still here.
Five years ago, she was diagnosed with breast cancer after her doctor told her she was a year and a half late in getting her mammogram. She’d been receiving treatment for a torn rotator cuff, an injury she received falling off a ladder.
At the hospital, technicians positioned her, McGee said, but then one decided to reposition her because of how things were set up for the last person to come through.
“It caught one-quarter more of me, and that’s exactly where it was,” she said. “I see God’s hand in that.”
The size of the cancer, she said, makes her believe it had been there for at least 12 years. Even though she’d received regular mammograms — including the first one done at Stillwater Medical Center, she said — it had never been detected.
She was treated at Cancer Care of Stillwater and said the people there are “kind, friendly, caring and compassionate.”
She and her husband also received help from her church family. Members cooked food for the family, mowed lawns and did whatever they needed to do so he could spend time taking care of her, she said.
Cancer took the lives of Myrna McGee’s mother, father and brother, and her sister is fighting a recurrence of breast cancer. McGee said she has talked some about cancer with her two daughters and son, but they don’t focus on it.
“I find if I focus on cancer, I can become depressed pretty quick,” she said. “I focus on the Lord and in his word. That helps me.
“Through all that, Jim keeps me laughing. We laugh at things that aren’t even funny, but we’re laughing.”
Jim McGee added, “I can’t change circumstances, so there’s no need to fret or worry or get depressed about them. Just keep doing what needs to be done, cooking, cleaning, laundry.”
Full of graces from God in the welcome party! We see God’s lead from every position of servings: food preparation, photography, sounds system, transportation, worship team, skit and short message. Thanks God, it is all because of His love, we can gather together and serve Him joyfully.
Also, we are glad to have so many new students joined us that night. We hope that you had a wonderful and memorable night here at Stillwater Chinese Baptist Church with us. Jesus loves you! May all of you can be reconciled with God and become a member of the household of Him!