Saturday, February 26, 2011

2011/ 02/ 25 週五團契

查考馬太福音 Studying the book of Matthew

英文細胞小組 English Cell Group

Owen & Andrew

Kids & Miss Mary

Kids praying: " Thank You Jesus for the snack, Amen."

* 家庭團契近幾個禮拜正在看電影 "Left Behind",為了不打擾他們, 所以沒有拍照 ;P *

Thursday, February 24, 2011

2011/ 02/ 25 周五團契 @ 路德教會

因場地緣故, 本週五團契 (2月25日) 在路德教會聚會; 照常於晚上7:30 開始。期待與大家一同查考神的話語, 在主愛中相聚。Due to the unavailability of place, the coming Friday fellowship (Feb. 25th) will be meeting at the Lutheran church starting at 7:30pm. Looking forward to sharing God's words together with you and have a wonderful fellowship time in Him.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Facebook Page

教會在Facebook設立了一個網頁囉! 歡迎大家前往參觀, 不要忘記按下"喜歡(Like) 的按鍵喔!也歡迎提出建議:) We now have our page on facebook. Please visit it and press the "Like" button if you like it :) Comments and suggestions are welcome!

Saturday, February 12, 2011


享用晚餐, 感謝弟兄姐妹的愛心預備食物
經過了兩場大風雪, 教會終於可以在大年初九舉辦春節特別聚會, 與大家享用晚餐, 唱詩歌讚美神, 感受佳節氣氛。我們雖身處異鄉, 卻可以在神的家中團聚, 感謝主! 當晚也有許多美國弟兄姐妹朋友來到我們當中, 體驗華人慶祝新年的方式, 歡迎他們!

After two blizzards, we could finally have our Chinese New Year gathering yesterday, shared food and sang song to worship our Lord, and enjoyed the festival. Even though we can not celebrate the new year in our countries, we could gather as a family in the household of God. Thanks to God! We also had many of American brothers, sisters, and friends joined us to see and experience the Chinese New Year. We welcomed them!

節目開始, 就由頌讚小組帶大家唱新年歌曲, 新年氣氛更加濃厚。而後進入敬拜讚美時間, 一首一切歌頌讚美帶動唱, 使現場氣氛活躍了起來!
接著由查修智弟兄為我們分享短信, 主題是: "恭喜! 發財? 福從何來?" 即使人的祝福往往心有餘而力不足, 但是愛我們的神給的福, 卻是像天上的窗戶, 為我們敞開, 神將福傾倒在我們的身上, 甚至到了無處可容的地步。 你願意接受嗎?

小朋友準備的節目也很精彩, 帶來兩首歌: "God is so Good!" 和 " I got peace like a river"。可愛單純的小朋友, 是台下的觀眾都發出會心的一笑。
天真可愛的大小朋友, 邊唱邊跳: "God is so good"

爺爺奶奶發紅包, 小朋友們要說謝謝及吉祥話喔!
感謝神讓我們有一個美好的晚上! 願每個來到活動當中的人, 更加認識親近神! 祝福大家在兔年蒙恩! 福杯滿溢!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

敬拜小組@ 中國學生會

今晚中國學生會舉行新春晚會, 有豐富的菜餚外, 還有許多精彩的節目。教會的敬拜小組有幸參與,成了活動中的最後一個表演。帶了兩首新年的曲子, 還有"人生的福"。希望下星期在教會的春節活動見到更多的中國學生到我們的當中。




因下雪及路況的緣故, 春節特別聚會延至2月11日星期五。

Thursday, February 3, 2011

2011/02/04 春節特別聚會

春節特別聚會將照常進行, 晚餐6:30 開始, 而後有敬拜讚美時光, 短信, 及遊戲時間。 本次短信講題為: " 恭喜! 發財? 福從何來?"。 歡迎大家邀請朋友參加, 共度佳節。
Dear brothers and sisters

Blessed New year! After a few days of snowing, I believe that we all want to go out and have some fun together. We will have the Chinese New Year gathering tomorrow as planned. Dinner (pot- blessings) starts at 6:30pm and other programs such as worship time, short message, and games will be followed. The topic of the short message will be "恭喜! 發財? 福從何來?". Brothers and sisters are welcome to bring one of your favorite dishes. Please invite your friends to join and enjoy the festival together in God's love.

Love and blessings,