Happy Wedding Day! |
地址: 4500 W McElroy Rd, Stillwater, OK E-mail: scbcfriend@gmail.com; Phone: (405) 518- 5179 * Find us on Facebook!* Website: scbcok.church 彼此相顧, 激發愛心, 勉勵行善
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Mr. & Mrs. Barton
Matt 弟兄與 Elena 姐妹於今年5月結婚, 地點選在Guthrie, Oklahoma, 是場戶外的婚禮。許多弟兄姐妹都前往祝賀, 見證他們倆的誓言。婚禮後, 新人從Guthrie 直接前往OKC 機場, 到夏威夷度蜜月。願神祝福保守他們的新婚生活。Bro. Matt and Sis. Elena Barton got married in May. The wedding was held at a beautiful outdoor garden located in Guthrie, Oklahoma. Many brothers and sisters attended their wedding to give wishes and witness their vows. After the wedding, the new couple went directly to the OKC airport and headed to Hawaii for their honeymoon. May God richly bless their marriage and new life as family together.
Friday, July 22, 2011
2011/ 07/ 22 週五團契 @ Berry Creek
Hope you are having a blessed week so far. Friday fellowship this week (July 22nd) will be gathering at the club house of the Berry Creek neighborhood starting at 7:30pm. Children may stay at Bro. Guolong and Sis. Song Yans' House to play and watch videos. We thank God for their love to open their house and we are looking forward to having a wonderful night and fellowship there with you!
Thursday, July 21, 2011
詩歌分享- 神的道路
以賽亞書 55: 8- 11
8 耶和華說:我的意念非同你們的意念;我的道路非同你們的道路。
9 天怎樣高過地,照樣,我的道路高過你們的道路;我的意念高過你們的意念。
10 雨雪從天而降,並不返回,卻滋潤地土,使地上發芽結實,使撒種的有種,使要吃的有糧。
11 我口所出的話也必如此,決不徒然返回,卻要成就我所喜悅的,在我發他去成就的事上必然亨通。
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Gloria 劉敬姐妹 Baby Shower
姐妹們的團契和愛 The fellowship and love among sisters |
禮物! "Every good and perfect gift is from above" |
Samuel 從自己的Closet 找出這可愛的小熊娃娃要送給格格! |
Odelia 畫一張卡片祝賀劉敬阿姨 |
同心禱告, 感謝神的恩典, 祈求祂的保守! Prayers, give thanks to God and ask Him to watch over |
感謝姐妹們一同參與, 分享喜悅。
以下Slide Show 有更多的照片, 可以找到你和準媽媽的合影喔!
On Sunday Morning...
Saturday, July 16, 2011
1. 請為下週主日崇拜及講員王玉慶弟兄禱告, 求主賜我們感恩及敬拜的靈,來領受神豐富的恩典。Please pray for next Sunday worship; preacher will be Bro. Yuqing Wang.
2. 請為建堂購地一事禱告, 求主保守簽約手續盡早完成, 在神的心意上善用這地。Please pray for the process of the land purchasing. May God bless the smooth transaction and help us to use the property.
3. 林師母 (陳秀鳳姐妹) 於定期檢查發現腫瘤,已於上週一進行超微波掃描, 報告證實癌細胞全無擴散的跡象, 病症是樂觀的, 將在近期進行手術切除,請為林師母禱告, 求神大能的雙手庇護醫治。Mrs. Jane Lam found cancer through routine health examination. She took the CT and PET Scans last week and it indicated the cancer cells only located in the local area and had not spread over to other parts of her body. She will be having surgery shortly. Please pray that God’s hands protect and heal her.
4. 請為中秋迎新活動 (9 月份) 禱告, 求主賜屬天的智慧, 帶領同工們預備節目。Please pray for the Mid- Autumn Festival & new student welcome gathering (will be held in September). May God give wisdom to brothers and sisters as they prepare the program.
5. 請為Myrna McGee 姐妹將開姐妹英文門徒班禱告, 求神預備心。Please pray for the Women English Discipleship class that is going to be led by Sis. Myrna McGee. May God prepare hearts.
6. 請為沙偉宣弟兄和正在找工作的弟兄姐妹禱告, 求神指引他們前面的路, 供應他們, 加添信心, 靠主得平安喜樂。 Please pray for Bro. Daivd Sha and those who are currently looking for jobs. May God lead their path and be the provider; strengthen their faith and bejoyful and peaceful in Him.
2. 請為建堂購地一事禱告, 求主保守簽約手續盡早完成, 在神的心意上善用這地。Please pray for the process of the land purchasing. May God bless the smooth transaction and help us to use the property.
3. 林師母 (陳秀鳳姐妹) 於定期檢查發現腫瘤,已於上週一進行超微波掃描, 報告證實癌細胞全無擴散的跡象, 病症是樂觀的, 將在近期進行手術切除,請為林師母禱告, 求神大能的雙手庇護醫治。Mrs. Jane Lam found cancer through routine health examination. She took the CT and PET Scans last week and it indicated the cancer cells only located in the local area and had not spread over to other parts of her body. She will be having surgery shortly. Please pray that God’s hands protect and heal her.
4. 請為中秋迎新活動 (9 月份) 禱告, 求主賜屬天的智慧, 帶領同工們預備節目。Please pray for the Mid- Autumn Festival & new student welcome gathering (will be held in September). May God give wisdom to brothers and sisters as they prepare the program.
5. 請為Myrna McGee 姐妹將開姐妹英文門徒班禱告, 求神預備心。Please pray for the Women English Discipleship class that is going to be led by Sis. Myrna McGee. May God prepare hearts.
6. 請為沙偉宣弟兄和正在找工作的弟兄姐妹禱告, 求神指引他們前面的路, 供應他們, 加添信心, 靠主得平安喜樂。 Please pray for Bro. Daivd Sha and those who are currently looking for jobs. May God lead their path and be the provider; strengthen their faith and bejoyful and peaceful in Him.
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
生命慶典追思禮拜- Jim McGee 弟兄
經過了一段時間的身體病痛, 我們親愛的Jim McGee 弟兄於上週四 6月30 日 (1936- 2011) 蒙主恩召, 接回天家。追思禮拜在7月5日順利舉行, 感謝主!
Jim McGee弟兄一生服事主, 與他的妻子Myrna 姐妹被主呼召, 特別服事國際學生, 更是付出精力與愛心; 因此, Jim 的追思禮拜也相當國際化, 採用中英文兩種語言。追思禮拜上的特別音樂 " 耶穌愛我 (Jesus Loves Me)" 是Jim 過世前兩個小時在電腦螢幕上留下的一首歌。縱使我們很想念 Jim 弟兄, 但是我們知道他現在與主耶穌同在, 那是個沒有眼淚, 沒有哀傷, 沒有病痛, 也再也沒有死亡的地方 (啟示錄 21: 4-5)。Myrna 姐妹在眼淚中依然喜樂, 依然感謝讚美主, 給我們做了一個很好的榜樣。她說她知道Jim 現在在主耶穌那邊, 他一定不想再回到這世上了! 願神那永遠不變的恩惠慈愛安慰她。
追思儀式, 充滿盼望和平安, 暫時送走Jim McGee 弟兄, 也給了我們在世的人鼓勵與安慰, 激勵我們更加親近神的心, 來緊緊抓住祂的應許。再過不久, 我們都要在我們天父的家中再一次相聚; 到那時候, 就不再有分離。God is so good!
Jim McGee弟兄一生服事主, 與他的妻子Myrna 姐妹被主呼召, 特別服事國際學生, 更是付出精力與愛心; 因此, Jim 的追思禮拜也相當國際化, 採用中英文兩種語言。追思禮拜上的特別音樂 " 耶穌愛我 (Jesus Loves Me)" 是Jim 過世前兩個小時在電腦螢幕上留下的一首歌。縱使我們很想念 Jim 弟兄, 但是我們知道他現在與主耶穌同在, 那是個沒有眼淚, 沒有哀傷, 沒有病痛, 也再也沒有死亡的地方 (啟示錄 21: 4-5)。Myrna 姐妹在眼淚中依然喜樂, 依然感謝讚美主, 給我們做了一個很好的榜樣。她說她知道Jim 現在在主耶穌那邊, 他一定不想再回到這世上了! 願神那永遠不變的恩惠慈愛安慰她。
追思儀式, 充滿盼望和平安, 暫時送走Jim McGee 弟兄, 也給了我們在世的人鼓勵與安慰, 激勵我們更加親近神的心, 來緊緊抓住祂的應許。再過不久, 我們都要在我們天父的家中再一次相聚; 到那時候, 就不再有分離。God is so good!
Farewell party for Rong's family at 2009. Jim was sharing. We miss you! |
Jesus loves me, this I know, Though my hair is white as snow.
Though my sight is growing dim, Still He bids me trust in him.
(Chorus) Yes, Jesus loves me! Yes, Jesus loves me!
Yes, Jesus loves me! The Bible tells me so.
Though my steps are oh, so slow, With my hand in his I'll go.
On through life, let come what may, He'll be there to lead the way.
Though my sight is growing dim, Still He bids me trust in him.
(Chorus) Yes, Jesus loves me! Yes, Jesus loves me!
Yes, Jesus loves me! The Bible tells me so.
Though my steps are oh, so slow, With my hand in his I'll go.
On through life, let come what may, He'll be there to lead the way.
When the nights are dark and long, In my heart He puts a song.
Telling me in words so clear, "Have no fear, for I am near."
Telling me in words so clear, "Have no fear, for I am near."
When my work on earth is done, And life's victories have been won.
He will take me home above, Then I'll understand his love.
He will take me home above, Then I'll understand his love.
I love Jesus, does he know? Have I ever told Him so?
Jesus loves to hear me say, That I love him every day.
Jesus loves to hear me say, That I love him every day.
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