本週主日有兩位接受浸禮- 侯寧弟兄及韓英仲弟兄; 感謝神赦罪及拯救之恩, 榮耀歸於真神!
地址: 4500 W McElroy Rd, Stillwater, OK E-mail: scbcfriend@gmail.com; Phone: (405) 518- 5179 * Find us on Facebook!* Website: scbcok.church 彼此相顧, 激發愛心, 勉勵行善
Monday, January 30, 2012
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
2012 新學期主日學
Monday, January 23, 2012
2012 華人新年聚會
今年的新年很熱鬧, 共有一百多人到神的家中團聚。家庭都帶一道菜, 過節必備的大餐, 大家一起享用。
樊國良弟兄與大家介紹教會的活動及平日聚會, 說到教會是神的家, 歡迎每一位來到當中。獎原玉慶弟兄則用中國 "福" 字與大家分享, 福為"神" (示) 和 "一口田", 所以人若要得福, 必須要認識神, 且把神放在第一位。
接下來, 由家庭及各團契獻詩, 共頌主恩。看著父母帶孩子又唱又跳, 大家的心都被這些可愛的家庭溫暖了, 看見神的恩典與愛。
晚會一開始由頌讚小組帶大家唱詩, 全場熱鬧活潑, 帶來新年的氣氛。 |
接下來, 由家庭及各團契獻詩, 共頌主恩。看著父母帶孩子又唱又跳, 大家的心都被這些可愛的家庭溫暖了, 看見神的恩典與愛。
國龍宋燕一家, 東華玲瑾一家, 及玉慶鳳秋一家: Jesus Loves Me |
德明志新一家: 我愛我的家 |
新人陳曉夏子: 恩典之路 |
週二團契: 我今天為你祝福 |
佳音團契: 人生的福 |
小朋友唱跳: 讚美之泉 |
發紅包時間 |
節目最後, 由頌讚小組帶大家唱一首 "悅納的時候", 回應神說我們願意回轉向祂, 蒙祂悅納。我們能夠這特別的節日, 與大家分享心中那份平安喜樂和盼望, 全因有祂。感謝神! 讓身處異鄉的每一位, 能夠在神的大家庭中團圓。 願心中的暖流源源不絕, 在新的一年中更加來依靠神, 蒙神祝福。 祝大家龍年蒙恩!
* 更多照片請看部落格 (博客) 右邊
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
主日崇拜後, 為一月份壽星慶生; 感謝神! 查家妹妹Zoe 以經7歲了; 去年秋季新生李博, 在上學期接受主耶穌為救主, 也是本月的壽星。 本月壽星還有張國龍弟兄, 上週五團契後, 太太宋燕姐妹預備蛋糕茶水, 讓弟兄姐妹一起給先生一個驚喜! 願神在新的一年裡面繼續帶領祝福, 看顧他們。生日快樂!
Monday, January 9, 2012
第二次與建築師Bro. Ho 見面
2012年1月8日的同工會, 邀請到負責建堂設計的Bro. Ho 來到我們當中; 教會與何弟兄有良好溝通, 經過禱告和祈求, 看見教會的需要及未來發展, 何弟兄帶來了兩個設計的平面圖。 大家滿心期待聽著何弟兄分析解說設計圖; 經過兩小時的討論, 集合大家的意見, 何弟兄將對設計圖有進一步的修改, 主要大小在7700 Square Feet。請繼續為建堂一事禱告, 也求神預備弟兄姐妹有奉獻的心, 並求神按著祂的心意供應。
Saturday, January 7, 2012
老會友 新消息- 沙偉亘弟兄
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!!
It’s about end of year 2011. What’s your commitment to Christ for the new year of 2012?
The semester is almost over, and I do have few papers need to write and exams to take, but when I look back this semester, I truly feel blessed in my school life in Taipei.
CES is truly a tough seminary, I almost used all of my free time to study and read to meet requirement from teachers. I must say that it is totally different from the seminary I study in Kaohsiung. However, I need to give thanks to our Lord for giving me great small group members and classmates, so that we can work together overcoming all challenges.
I also have few prayer requests to share with you, please remember them in your prayer.
1. 我的姨婆跟我的表舅現在都因為四期的癌症住進了醫院,其中我的姨婆在六十年前曾受過浸禮,但自從結婚之後就再也沒去過教會。我去醫院看她的時候確認了她的信仰,並透過
Both my great-aunt and her son are now hospitalized because of 4-degree cancer. My great-aunt was baptized 60 years ago, but she has never had church life since her marriage. I went to hospital and confirm her faith and hook up a local church to visit her. Please pray that she can truly believe in Jesus Christ during her last hours on the earth.
Please pray for my financial needs. I need to travel back and forth from Kaohsiung to Taipei for my internship and also my living expenses in Taipei. Both of them are challenges I need to overcome by relying on His providence.
Please pray for my ministry here in Taiwan. I visited the church pastor Tony planted in Taipei and also visited few other churches we have relationship with. However, I am looking for the church in Taipei where I can have my internship after next summer. Please pray for God’s plan to be done.
Finally, wish you all have a wonderful Christmas season, and don’t forget that He is the only reason for the season!
Thursday, January 5, 2012
Friday Fellowship @ CBC
Dear all,
HAPPY NEW YEAR! Friday fellowship this week (Jan. 6th) will be meeting at CBC starting at 7:30pm. Come and join the fellowship if you are in town. We look forward to seeing you and sharing God's words together.
HAPPY NEW YEAR! Friday fellowship this week (Jan. 6th) will be meeting at CBC starting at 7:30pm. Come and join the fellowship if you are in town. We look forward to seeing you and sharing God's words together.
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