Saturday, September 24, 2011

週五團契 2011/ 09/ 23

感謝神給我們寶貴的團契時間, 讓我們在忙碌的生活中, 可以與弟兄姐妹相聚, 彼此分享神的話語, 彼此勉勵提醒。

家庭組最近繼續查考耶利米書, 本週查到第5章; 新的校園組今天第2次聚會, 一起看到路加福音 10: 38- 42, 馬大及馬利亞接待耶穌的故事; 提醒我們時常與神親近, 安靜在神的面前, 支取力量, 並求神清節我們的心及鑒察我們手中所作的是合乎祂心意的。馬太福音組本週有7個人, 歡迎兩個第一次來的朋友! 其中有一位就在查經當中決定選擇上好的福分, 接受主耶穌基督為他個人的救主! 看見神奇妙的工, 弟兄姐妹都受到激勵, 因而發出讚美的聲音, 將榮耀歸給天上的父!

請為週五團契各個小組禱告, 求神帶領, 建造我們。 讓每一個尋求渴慕的弟兄姐妹都有一個美好的團契生活。

Tuesday, September 20, 2011


        新心音樂事工將於10 月 6日星期四晚上7: 30 在我們教會舉辦『奇妙的愛』- 詩歌見證分享會。 歡迎大家一起共享這場音樂會, 經歷神的同在! 也歡迎邀請你身邊的朋友, 體驗神『奇妙的愛』

        新心音樂事工在9月底到10月中在美中許多教會藉由音樂宣揚基督, 請大家為他們手中的工祈禱。

2011/ 09/ 18 主日崇拜

今日講員為查修智弟兄, 講題為『永遠美麗的秘方』, 經文是彼得前書3: 1-7

 1 你 們 作 妻 子 的 要 順 服 自 己 的 丈 夫 ; 這 樣 , 若 有 不 信 從 道 理 的 丈 夫 , 他 們 雖 然 不 聽 道 , 也 可 以 因 妻 子 的 品 行 被 感 化 過 來 ;
 2 這 正 是 因 看 見 你 們 有 貞 潔 的 品 行 和 敬 畏 的 心 。
 3 你 們 不 要 以 外 面 的 辮 頭 髮 , 戴 金 飾 , 穿 美 衣 為 妝 飾 ,
 4 只 要 以 裡 面 存 著 長 久 溫 柔 、 安 靜 的 心 為 妝 飾 ; 這 在 神 面 前 是 極 寶 貴 的 。
 5 因 為 古 時 仰 賴 神 的 聖 潔 婦 人 正 是 以 此 為 妝 飾 , 順 服 自 己 的 丈 夫 ,
 6 就 如 撒 拉 聽 從 亞 伯 拉 罕 , 稱 他 為 主 。 你 們 若 行 善 , 不 因 恐 嚇 而 害 怕 , 便 是 撒 拉 的 女 兒 了 。
 7 你 們 作 丈 夫 的 , 也 要 按 情 理 ( 原 文 是 知 識 ) 和 妻 子 同 住 ; 因 他 比 你 軟 弱 ( 比 你 軟 弱 : 原 文 作 是 軟 弱 的 器 皿 ) , 與 你 一 同 承 受 生 命 之 恩 的 , 所 以 要 敬 重 他 。 這 樣 , 便 叫 你 們 的 禱 告 沒 有 阻 礙 。

1. 敬畏神, 因此順服丈夫
2. 信靠神, 因此溫柔安靜
3. 仰望神, 永遠美麗動人
4. 跟從神, 因此建立家室

主日崇拜後, 是9月份慶生會。 碧玉姐妹親手作蛋糕, 讓大家可以一起與先生修智弟兄及9月份的壽星慶祝生日, 願神繼續賜福給每位壽星。

Saturday, September 17, 2011

"應許之地" The land officially belongs to us!

 為著神信實的供應, 弟兄姐妹歡喜要來讚美祂! 多年來, 大家為教會購地建堂一事同心祈禱; 感謝神的保守, 購地手續以在上週四 (9月 15日) 下午2: 20分順利完成! 林彬牧師, 王玉慶弟兄, 張國龍弟兄及樊國良弟兄見證這美好的時刻! 請大家繼續為此地禱告, 求神像牧人領導, 願神的心意成就。將這地獻上, 為祂的各樣事工來使用。For His faithful provision, brothers and sisters shall come and praise our Lord! We have been praying for a church land many years. Thank God! The process went smooth and the documents was signed at 2: 20pm on Thursday (Sept. 15th). Pastor Ted Lam, Bro. Yuqing Wang, Bro. Guolong Zhang, and Bro. Guoliang Fan witnessed the wonderful moment! Please keep praying for the land. May God lead us like a shepherd. May His will be done and the land be used for all His works. 
The land now officially belongs to us! Praise the Lord!

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Pray For The Land 为教会土地祷告


Today is destined to enter into our church's history.


Short after Sunday worship congregation, we went to the land our church purchased for church building,   especially praise the Lord for the land, and devoted this piece of land to God's services.


All are blessed since we  are witnessing what God's has done. 

< To see more photos, please click the slides to the right>

2011 BBQ

Friday night's "high" continued on Saturday!

New students,  and brothers & sisters from DCBC joined our church's Saturday BBQ at the beautiful  Carl Blackwell lake under shadowy trees.

Chickens, all sorts of cakes, refreshments, drinks, chips ....... All typical American food and Chinese dishes but American flavors more than Chinese taste.....

Brotherhood, friendship, sentiments of love of life.

We ate, played, prayed and left. What's not left is the love from God without which nothing is worth memorable and possible to happen.

< see photos by click the picture slides to the right>

2011中秋暨新生欢迎会 Mid-Autumn & Fresh Students Welcome


  Time zipped by and trees in Stillwater grew a new ring, what's coming along with is Chinese traditional festival - Mid  Autumn and fresh students enrolled in Fall.   Our church and Dallas Chinese Bible Church worked together this year to celebrate the Festival and welcome the new faces arrived in Stillwater city.


Church prepared plenty of  hand-made traditional moon cakes, families cooked delicious food, brothers and sisters from DCBC brought more Chinese traditional dishes from Dallas. New students were enjoying their first Mid-Autumn festival in US for the first time, alleviating homesick and the love from God channeling from brothers and sisters in Church.

享受了各种美味,大家一起欣赏教会颂赞小组的歌声,来自达拉斯的姊妹也带来他们喜欢的英文歌曲。接着的“破冰游戏“,让大家在欢笑中开始了晚会的主题: DCBC的罗牧师以通俗易懂的语言,讲解谁是神,人从何来,神的救赎等入门知识,让踏上异国的同学和朋友第一次感受到基督文化的冲击, 愿神能帮助他们有一天明白这不只是文化冲击,而是生命和真理。

After loving dinner, we sit together to enjoy the songs by church praise team and DCBC sister. In a short jubilant period of "iceberg break" game, comes the evening's focus: Pastor Luo's message. He introduced the who is God, where does human come from, salvage...  The messages were completely new from students coming from China to register and felt the impact from Christ culture. Hope God will help them to understand that this is not only a culture but life and truth.


The aftermath of Pastor's message ripple through joyful competing for small prizes, through getting/guessing the right answer to the question which was from pastor's messages. Unexpectedly that many first time listeners did remember the content. Thanks to HIM that let those Godly words start to seed in new souls!


May God's blesses pouring unto our church,  guiding our services in HIM, energizing us,  adding hands and wisdom. Forever.


Thursday, September 8, 2011



2011中秋迎新晚會將由9月9日星期五舉行。很高興能邀請到達拉斯中國聖經教會參與其中。晚會於晚上6 點開始, 將預備晚餐。晚會節目由7: 30 開始。歡迎大家邀請朋友一同參加。

教會有車接送, 6 點在UA 洗衣房等。教會將準備手工的月餅, 希望與大家在神的家中共度佳節!

Dear all

We will have the Mid- Autumn new student welcome party tomorrow evening. We are grateful to invite the short mission team from Dallas Chinese Bible Church to join us. The event will be starting at 6:00pm and dinner will be prepared. The program will start at 7:30pm. Everyone is invited!

Transportation will be available at UA laundry at 6: 00 pm if you know anyone needing a ride to the event. There are going to be hand- made mooncakes prepared for everyone! Looking forward to gathering with you all in God's home on the special traditional holiday!


Saturday, September 3, 2011

访问教会置堂土地 Visit Church Building Land

September the third, 2011, Saturday.

Co-workers met at the land that our church will purchase to do the site survey.

Professor Douglas has spent great amount of energy and time on land purchase service, today he led co-workers circumventing the land. Church brothers brought tape measure and obtained the exact size of the land: 330ft in width, 660 ft in length, totaling 5 acres.

The whole piece of landscape is approximately smooth with wire entanglement, a treeline bisects the land at the back part. Someone starts to conjecture for the future use of the trees to divide the church and playground.

The land deal is at the last stage now. Although the land is empty of building, the blessed land endowed by God has appeared before us, we are full of bountiful joy and praise the Lord.

土地离OSU距离很近,从OSU 洗衣房出发向西,过农业系马场,奶牛场,向前不到500米右边,土地门口暂时有铁栏杆。
The land is close to Oklahoma State University. Start from laundry westward, passing the  Aqueduct and Dairy Farm, the land is at right side of W McElroy Rd .


親愛的弟兄姐妹 你準備好要與更多的人來分享神的福音了嗎?以下連結有許多我們昨天學到傳福音的方法及內容,大家多多復習,裝備好自己!