Sunday, September 11, 2011

2011中秋暨新生欢迎会 Mid-Autumn & Fresh Students Welcome


  Time zipped by and trees in Stillwater grew a new ring, what's coming along with is Chinese traditional festival - Mid  Autumn and fresh students enrolled in Fall.   Our church and Dallas Chinese Bible Church worked together this year to celebrate the Festival and welcome the new faces arrived in Stillwater city.


Church prepared plenty of  hand-made traditional moon cakes, families cooked delicious food, brothers and sisters from DCBC brought more Chinese traditional dishes from Dallas. New students were enjoying their first Mid-Autumn festival in US for the first time, alleviating homesick and the love from God channeling from brothers and sisters in Church.

享受了各种美味,大家一起欣赏教会颂赞小组的歌声,来自达拉斯的姊妹也带来他们喜欢的英文歌曲。接着的“破冰游戏“,让大家在欢笑中开始了晚会的主题: DCBC的罗牧师以通俗易懂的语言,讲解谁是神,人从何来,神的救赎等入门知识,让踏上异国的同学和朋友第一次感受到基督文化的冲击, 愿神能帮助他们有一天明白这不只是文化冲击,而是生命和真理。

After loving dinner, we sit together to enjoy the songs by church praise team and DCBC sister. In a short jubilant period of "iceberg break" game, comes the evening's focus: Pastor Luo's message. He introduced the who is God, where does human come from, salvage...  The messages were completely new from students coming from China to register and felt the impact from Christ culture. Hope God will help them to understand that this is not only a culture but life and truth.


The aftermath of Pastor's message ripple through joyful competing for small prizes, through getting/guessing the right answer to the question which was from pastor's messages. Unexpectedly that many first time listeners did remember the content. Thanks to HIM that let those Godly words start to seed in new souls!


May God's blesses pouring unto our church,  guiding our services in HIM, energizing us,  adding hands and wisdom. Forever.


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