Monday, April 18, 2011

Say Hi to Baby Olympia

嗨! 大家好, 我叫蘇承愛, 於今天早上7點52分來到這個世界。希望很快可以與大家見面! Hi, everyone, my name is Olympia. I came to this world this morning. Hope to meet you all soon!
Baby Olympia 蘇承愛 says hi to the world!

感謝神保守! 克敏和歐陽家的第三個孩子於今早順利出生, 身高21 3/4", 體重8磅6.7盎司, 是個可愛的女孩喔! Thank God! Kemin and Ouyang' third baby was born this morning. Height 21 3/4" and weight 8 pounds 6.7 ounce. It is a baby girl!

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