Saturday, September 17, 2011

"應許之地" The land officially belongs to us!

 為著神信實的供應, 弟兄姐妹歡喜要來讚美祂! 多年來, 大家為教會購地建堂一事同心祈禱; 感謝神的保守, 購地手續以在上週四 (9月 15日) 下午2: 20分順利完成! 林彬牧師, 王玉慶弟兄, 張國龍弟兄及樊國良弟兄見證這美好的時刻! 請大家繼續為此地禱告, 求神像牧人領導, 願神的心意成就。將這地獻上, 為祂的各樣事工來使用。For His faithful provision, brothers and sisters shall come and praise our Lord! We have been praying for a church land many years. Thank God! The process went smooth and the documents was signed at 2: 20pm on Thursday (Sept. 15th). Pastor Ted Lam, Bro. Yuqing Wang, Bro. Guolong Zhang, and Bro. Guoliang Fan witnessed the wonderful moment! Please keep praying for the land. May God lead us like a shepherd. May His will be done and the land be used for all His works. 
The land now officially belongs to us! Praise the Lord!

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