Saturday, January 7, 2012

老會友 新消息- 沙偉亘弟兄

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!!

2011 年的年底已經來到,不知道各位明年對主的委身是什麼呢?
It’s about end of year 2011. What’s your commitment to Christ for the new year of 2012?

The semester is almost over, and I do have few papers need to write and exams to take, but when I look back this semester, I truly feel blessed in my school life in Taipei.

CES is truly a tough seminary, I almost used all of my free time to study and read to meet requirement from teachers. I must say that it is totally different from the seminary I study in Kaohsiung. However, I need to give thanks to our Lord for giving me great small group members and classmates, so that we can work together overcoming all challenges.

I also have few prayer requests to share with you, please remember them in your prayer.
1. 我的姨婆跟我的表舅現在都因為四期的癌症住進了醫院,其中我的姨婆在六十年前曾受過浸禮,但自從結婚之後就再也沒去過教會。我去醫院看她的時候確認了她的信仰,並透過
Both my great-aunt and her son are now hospitalized because of 4-degree cancer. My great-aunt was baptized 60 years ago, but she has never had church life since her marriage. I went to hospital and confirm her faith and hook up a local church to visit her. Please pray that she can truly believe in Jesus Christ during her last hours on the earth.

2. 請為我的財務需要來代禱,目前我仍然需要在高雄跟台北之間來回穿梭,我目前的實習津貼跟我每個月必須要出去的固定開銷有著不小的落差,而各項開支實在是需要依靠主的供應來勝過的挑戰。
Please pray for my financial needs. I need to travel back and forth from Kaohsiung to Taipei for my internship and also my living expenses in Taipei. Both of them are challenges I need to overcome by relying on His providence.

3. 請為我在台灣的事工禱告,我有機會去拜訪黃國興牧師所開拓的教會和一些其他與我們有關係的教會。目前我也在積極尋找我明年可以去實習的教會,請各位代禱神的旨意成全。
Please pray for my ministry here in Taiwan. I visited the church pastor Tony planted in Taipei and also visited few other churches we have relationship with. However, I am looking for the church in Taipei where I can have my internship after next summer. Please pray for God’s plan to be done.

Finally, wish you all have a wonderful Christmas season, and don’t forget that He is the only reason for the season!

In Christ,

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